Can't Help It

I can't help it.
I can't help but let my lips curl,
Into a devious, envious sneer.
You will never get the best of me again.
You will never get to know the real me,
I won't permit it.
You hurt me,
And I do not take kindly to that.
I won't allow it.

I can't help it.
I can't help but shake my head,
When I see you around other people.
I know you've got me in your mind,
Regardless if you love me,
Or if you hate me.
Watch it happen,
I'll be able to stride pass you one day,
And not feel a lurch in my stomach.
Watch me be able to keep my head up,
Watch me be able to glance over,
And feel strong for once.

I can't help it.
I can't help but clench my jaw,
Every time I see you.
I have a tendency,
To speak what I think.
And right now,
You won't be happy with what I have to say.
I'm obviously frustrated,
Yet you ignore my signs.
My calls for help.
Oh, that's right,
You are self-centered.
I don't matter to you.

I can't help it.
I can't help but laugh.
You may have won the battle,
But I will win the war.
Don't expect me to embrace you,
When you come running back,
Just like last time.
I will not be as kind,
I will not be as loving.
Remember what I am?
I'm the coldhearted,
Bitch, remember?
Always have,
Always will.
But just keep in mind,
That I will win.
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