Prove Me Wrong

Misery follows me everywhere I go;
So listen to what I’m telling you,
This is something you need to know
I’m going to tell you exactly what you need to do

I do not trust a single person
Not one; they’ve all proven they are too easily broken
That’s not a good enough reason?
Well, why don’t you try my game then?

I will do everything to inflict pain,
I will tear myself apart to show you what I’m capable of.
I will try to drive you insane;
Trust me; I’m not somebody you want to love

You need to stand your ground,
No matter what I might throw,
Just, please, stick around
This won’t be forever, you know.

Try not to be hurt, I know you will be
I don’t mean it, not really.
It’s just something I need to see,
Don’t take any of this personally.

I need to know you’re here to stay-
No matter what I might do.
I just rather get it over with and fuck up today
And be shown I can’t lose you

It’s twisted and not quite right;
But if you can endure my game,
I’ll show you that there is a light.
You just have to prove you’re not the same.