Lets see what happens

Smile, hug , and voice
that’s all I need from you
But the leaves are falling down
And you wont be there to catch me
As I suspected your never there
In the greatest events
Of course Ill never forget
Ill find someone who cares enough
But winter is coming
I changed but now I need and
I know
I know you wont be there
As if I ever had a chance
To be in your arms
But I know
I know its all in my imagination
I cant hang on
I cant keep this grip
Ill just fade away
No warmth
No chance to survive
I wont grow to be part of a great tree
Ill collapse
To think you’ll save me
I don’t think so
I wont know
I don’t know
Ill just let go
And if your there
Ill know you care
Lets just see what happens