The rough pearl

This is more of a song than a poem. And to be honest i think i like it more than most of the things i've ever written, its emotional but its full of hope.

The rough pearl,
Not like any other girl.
Beautifully broken soul,
And tonight we’ll speak again.
Didn’t even know,
Didn’t let it show
But it hurts you deep inside.

You don’t know
How it hurts me so
To even hear you low
Why can’t they leave you alone.
And this girl I speak to
Y’know can’t keep you
And its starting over again.

This rough pearl,
Born in to a harsher world
But she has dreams and goals.
A knight whisks her away.
Deep down she believes
in all those kind of things
like chivalry and men who treat her right.

And this new girl,
Who's polished and shining pearl
Fixes this boring world
Shes cured herself again
All it took was help
A guy who sold himself
Put his pride upon a shelf.

This story deep,
A message I hope you’ll keep
But for now I say goodbye.