Dont do it, Don't love her

I thought that I could do this
I thought I could give it just one more chance
I thought things would be different
I thought that just maybe you changed

But here we are fighting on the phone
Me in tears because she treats you like shit
You’ve been my best friend since the 7th grade
Now I watch as you slowly turn me away

You tell me you love me and, that
You want to be with only me
You tell me you’re so sorry
And you wish we could go back to 16

We cant do that my love its not possible
You did this to yourself you decide
I knew you would regret it
I just never thought it would be so hard on me

I still love you deep down I know I do
Its so hard though to hear those words
When I know your going to see her
I know your holding her close at night

You’re a million miles away doing what you love
Yet she tells you its not worth it, your no hero
If it was me Id be nothing but support
Whatever you wanted baby id do it

You think she’s “the one” yeah we’ve heard that before
You want to just change for her
When truth is if it was meant to be you wouldn’t have to
You would never be asked to be different with me

I know that I love you
I know what I want
Now its your turn to make the move
And realize what your gonna miss out on yet again