Facts Of Life

Its a fact of life
Its sorta of like a knife
It cuts you down
Causes you to frown
Even makes you want to drown

Another fact of life
But surly is a knife
It cuts you skin
Its not a sin
Just let the blood
Flow into the bin

Here's a fact of life
Not the biggest strife
But could act as a knife
Causing us to tear
Things in which we cannot bare
And things that cause others a scare

All these thing
I feel inside
All these things
Make me want to die

All these facts of life
That cause me to grab the knife
And graze my skin
In not sin
But as an act of hope
IN freedom that seems to never come
In act of relief i seem to never feel
In hopes that love could possibly be real

Though no matter what i do
I just can never break through
So i grab that knife
Grab that razor
Grab that blade
And hope to be saved