He Left

Darkness overcomes the light,
as i lay restlessly in the wake of night.
The musky smell of his cologne still roams through the thick air,
with memories and thoughts that we were such a good pair.
But, now he leaves, leaves me to be alone.
If i only he had known.
He never knew how much i loved him, and still never will.
Now the thoughts, the want to kill.
They haunt me and taunt me.
But its not the person i wanna be.
I just wanna be with him so i can be me.
the thoughts of that night,
the words said from our last fight.
i would take it back in a heart beat,
But i can't, im in defeat.
It's getting harder to breath, suffocation.
My hearts on guard, love probation.
I swear, never to love again.
Never to let someone in,
for the fear that they to will hurt me so deep.
My love is now mine forever to keep.