Get A Grip On Life

Get a grip, for heaven's sake.
Every time you can't handle something the right way,
Tears fall continuously, lies distribute, and friends are lost.

A single lie can make a person on edge, you know.

Get a grip, damn it.
Ripping people's hearts out, and accepting them like you're a great God?
I can't even handle you anymore, yet I'm stuck with you.
People will ask who I'm talking about, but there's only one answer.

Only one answer, but it doesn't even matter, you won't even care.
No longer, will I feel sympathy for you! You did it yourself.

Life is valuable, but you just threw yours away.
I can't do it, you've lost me. I can't handle your demeanor anymore.
Fix your mistakes, and maybe I'll accept you back.
Every day you torment me. Who are you? You are me.
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