The Enemy of my Soul

It's like a deep inner voice that knows many things
telling me who I am and what I'll do
letting me know my soul is trapped inside a pathetic shell
convincing me to rip it apart and set it free.

It fills my being with anger toward my pathetic self
telling me to stay away from the mirrors
so when they shatter it doesn't hurt someone else
like everyone else I try to help.

I signed my pain away
the only thing that lets me know I'm alive
now this feeling grows deep down inside
as I just want to rip away everything I am.

The scars on my wrist I won't let heal
it's a constant reminder of what I am
the words are barley eligible
but that's all okay.

As long as the blood runs
my soul feels so alive
that it stops screaming at me,
at least for a little while.

My mind is a damned thing from hell
twisted and warped thoughts always go about
sending hatred and sadness through my soul
wrapping chains around it anchoring it down.

So my soul screams
as it slowly burns and fights
crying and screaming to be free
sending tears down my face.

My heart is the only friend to my soul,
my mind is enemy to myself
my destructive touch is enemy to the world
as I look for ways to set my soul free.