One Direction

There's a band with 5 boys-one direction,
Millions of girls have got that infection,
Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn,
I really hope one day they will mention my name
!I try and try every night,
For a tweet of you i'd put up a fight,
Coz the one thing i actually want you see,
Is for you five lads to notice me.
Louis you make me laugh till i cry,
Harry damn i have salt in my eye,
Zayn vas appenin with you at the mo?,
Liam keep your powerful voice down low,
Niall we finally come down to you,
I love your accent i really do.
But now it's time for me to go,
There's one thing i will say rather slow,
Good luck for the future songs you right,
I will listen to them all every night,
For i love you boys lots and lots,
Even more than my favourite shopping spots!