The Six Questions

Why? How? Where? Who? What? When?
Why? I see my friends and I ask why?
Why do they choose to be my friend?
Why should they be my friend?
Why do I feel like they don’t like me at times?

How? I see the boy I like and I ask how?
How does he not notice me?
How can I talk to him without feeling sad?
How can anyone know my pain?

Where? I see people traveling and I ask where?
Where could they be going?
Where are they at with their family, friends, and even with their relationships?
Where can I go to get rid of this pain?

Who? I see everyone around me and I ask who?
Who would ever trust me?
Who will ever talk to me?
Who will ever like me?

What? I see people from school and I ask what?
What did I do to deserve this?
What could you do to help me?
What can I do to stay out of it?

When? I see people getting noticed and I ask when?
When is it my turn?
When will all my dreams come true?
When can I stop worrying about everything?

Have you asked yourself these questions before? I have. But, my ONE answer to all this is…give it to God and your life will be changed. Ask for his forgiveness and turn away from the devil’s evil ways. God ALWAYS prevails!!!
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