The Hospital Hoarder

I went with her,
I could never leave her.
I never regreted the time I spent with her,
Until I left her.
I lost her.
Now I will never have her,
I will never have anything meaningful anymore.
I will never have light.
Being with her there was the best memory,
After everyday, sharing the little house with her,
Never leaving her side...
Until she wanted to stay,
I let her go...
Now she's gone.
She was my best friend.
The only person I loved,
The only person I trusted.
I watched her fall apart,
I tried to help...
But all I could do was stand by her side...
I was selfish.
I am selfish.
If only I had known her pain...
I could've been there.
The day we were sent home from the beautiful hospital,
She wanted to stay.
I let her,
Because I saw her happiness there.
I should've stayed,
Why did I have to leave her?
It was dangerous there.
But she was used danger...
I thought she would be okay.
I thought I would be okay after all these  years,
But yet everytime I see that little house, with the little yellow door,
All it is is a pile of her broken dreams now.
I see the lake that has flowed in to take her,
To take her to a better place...
To take her away from me,
Because I was never good enough for her...
I tried.
But that could never be enough to apologize for being so blind,
So weak.
It could never be enough to bring her back to life.
It will never be enough to bring her back to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is about my very emotinal dream i had about my best friend that i had just last night, and right when i woke up from it, i wrote this, so i was kinda half asleep:/ it seems all confusin, but o well. it was depressing but a really good dream in a twisted kind of way. critique is always welcome:) and if u know me in real life, and u read this, i think youll know who its about!<3