She lives another night

i see a girl
above me on a sea seeing view
a cliffs top is where her tiny pale feet do peek
a pale body paired with a pale mind
a pale face with pale tears running away from her blue
eyes stare up at the stars
a final wish is made.
i see a girl
a girl who is like me
pale through and through to the white bones made of birds and ash
to the invisible chains
the invisible bruise
the visible tears
yet she is not me
she is not yet
not with out the jump
not with out the death
i see a girl
i see a life
i see a loss
i see a step forward
i see a hand reach to her
i see a spark of hope
they embrace
they elope
i sigh
and i rest
my water tome stills
i feel a fill
emotions awaken
a door opens
heaven above i fly up
and wash the ones below in gentle dreaming dust
so they sleep and live
and love
for one more day