My Crush

His eyes are gorgeous.
His smile lights up my day.
When he looks at me my legs turn to jelly.
My insides flutter..
I can't believe someone can do that to you..
I barely know him.
I try to talk but I get so nervous !
Ugh, I hate it.
He is so.. UGH.
I wish he could read my mind.
I wish I could read his.
Does he even think of me ?
Sometimes I see him looking at me..
Maybe it's on accident ?
Why would he like me of all people ?

The guy with the beautiful eyes and gorgeous smile..
♠ ♠ ♠
I like this guy I barely know. He makes me smile like a fool but every time I'm around him I just lock up, I dunno why ! I wish we could hang out more, I only see him twice a week.. Ugh, this is why I don't talk to guys..