Inside Four Light-Pink Walls

Inside four light pink walls
Lies the wonders of life.
Stuffed animals are in the corner,
Books are sprawled upon a bed,
And music plays 24/7.

A gust of wind blows through an open window.
The unexpected happens.
The stuff animals grab hands and start to dance.
The books’ pages turn,
Images of their story showing on the white ceiling.
The music gets louder,
Putting smiles on the dancing stuffed animals faces.

A little girl with strawberry blond hair walks into the four light pink walls.
She heard a noise.
Or at least she thought so.
She thought she heard music.
But now there was no music playing.
She thought she saw stories being portrayed on the ceiling.
But the ceiling was just plain white.
She thought she could hear the stuff animals laughing while they danced.
But they were lying lifeless on the floor.
The little girl with strawberry blond hair shrugged and walked away.

The stuffed animals smiled at each other.
Images projected onto the ceiling.
Music started to play again.
With one quick movement, the stuffed animals were on their feet.
All of them grabbed hands.
For the rest of the day they danced,
And they danced.
They danced until the little girl with the strawberry blond hair came back.
And while the little girl with the strawberry blond hair slept,
She dreamed of images on the ceiling,
Music playing,
And stuffed animals laughing and dancing.