Each time

When I go in, sometimes you're there
Sometimes you're not

When you're there, "Hey LeXey" is the first thing I hear
Other times, I don't hear anything except laughter of residents

When I go in for our special "one-on-one" time, it warms my heart
Sometimes the tears come into play

Each time I see you, we always end the day with a very long hug
The last words are commonly "I love you"

3 months ago, I called you and was really upset
You helped me ease the pain

When I came back in 2 weeks later, mixed emotions were coming
Before I left, I recieved my hug

The last thing that happened that was
Whispering the words," I love you" and giving a simple wave

*One of the best girls that I can ask for <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trEwDejTKRY*