10,000 mile smile

You tell me your dreams of a new life,
I told you I would leave if you didn't put down your bloodied knife.
You talk with fludered words of a girl 3,000 miles away,
I am afriad when you leave this summer you will just stay.

You have some many beautiful dreams,
But some days you just start to fall apart at the seams.
It's a good thing I know how to stitch that smerk back on your face
One day we will leave this place.

We go through our final days for trial,
I would walk 10,000 miles to see that smile.
"New Jersey" is the words you taste everyday,
I will take you there no matter what they all say.

You have come to far to tie a rope and walk to a bridge.
Or put your head against that damned guns ridge,
All I want is to see that 10,000 mile smile.
You have seen me at my worst,
Also at my best, nothing like our dark little curse.

New Jersey is 3,000 miles away,
That's 7,000 for you to hug me and say.
"I love you bubba, I miss Courtney",
All I want to do make you happy.

But for now you are stuck with me
And every now and again maybe flash the 10,000 mile smile.
I hope you remember this
I love you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Say anything to me