New Jersey

I write these letters in thick black ink,
Writing every single thought I could ever think.
I'll send my love by mail,
Listen to me tell you about this love tale.

I'll watch the mile markers fly by,
Beautiful girl, please don't cry.
I'll be there soon,
Until then look up at the moon.

I dream of the east coast city lights,
My dreams so big I'm not sure how I'm afraid of heights.
New Jersey is where my life starts,
Bring together two scarred hearts.

I have been so shattered along this dark path,
Lost and cold in the after math.
Baby I'll hold you strong,
Be patient, I'll be there before very long.

Driving long after the sun goes down,
In this acoustic music my thoughts drown.
I know New Jersey is where I belong,
Baby, I'll sing you this song.

The past can't kill me anymore,
This love is true of that I am sure.
New Jersey is where I am driving to,
I won't stop until I get to you.