When You Hear the Night Owl Cry

As lay awake on my soft pink bed,

Horrible and terrible thoughts start to fill my head

The wind blows the shutters up against my wall,

And I begin to feel like i'm going to fall.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

Only two minutes have past,

But forever they seem to last,

As I stare out through my open bedroom door,

I see someone's shadow, long and dreadful, on the floor.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

Fear starts to creep up my small spine,

And I try to tell myself everything's fine.

I hear soft, quiet footsteps coming towards me,

I could only sit here and wish i could see.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

I start to quiver and shake in fear,

Knowing my end must be near.

My heart begins to race,

And the footsteps slow to a very slow pace.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

Behind me, I hear someone say my name,

In front of me, I hear someone do the same.

All of a sudden, something's around my mouth that tastes like soap,

And it feels like someone has bound my hands with rope.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

My head tells me this is all a dreadful dream,

But my heart tells me the best thing to do is scream.

I stare out in the dark, wondering when this will end, hoping my head is just sick.

Then i hear the grandfather clock in the kitchen tick.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

I feel like I'm being dragged,

And i hear two guys begin to brag.

As I wonder where my parents are,

I can tell I'm being lifted into a car.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

Being dragged across a seat,

Someone ties something around my feet.

I look at the digital clock and notice it's midnight,

The only thing I could do is wish i could fight.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

The car then came to a sudden stop,

I lay there hoping there was a cop.

I open my eyes and see where in front of an old store,

The door opens, and then I'm dumped onto the floor.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

I sit there and begin to cry,

Hoping this isn't my day to die.

Thinking of my mom and dad,

I begin to get very sad.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

Screaming as loud as I can,

I realize I'm sitting in front of a man.

Big and scary, the man turns bright red,

He starts to yell at me, but i don't realize what he has said.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

Trying to get up, hands wrap around my wrist,

And then I scream as I'm hit with with a fist.

Pain starts to fill my face,

Wishing I had a can of mace.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

Something cuts deep into my arm,

My body is immediatly filled with alarm.

The inside of my mouth begins to taste like blood,

Wishing this awful place would flood!

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

I hear guys start talking about a note and money,

They all start to laugh, and i wonder how they can think this is funny.

I hear the words tree and park,

Outside, dogs start to bark.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

Beginning to count the tics on the clock,

I soon realize someone has knocked.

The people start to scatter around,

trying not to make a sound.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

I remember as I hear the sounds of a cop,

Wondering how he knew where to stop.

The sounds of a megaphone fill the air,

I Think about how people really do care.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

Around me, people are trying to hide,

As I'm pushed off to the side.

I try to say something,

But everytime I try, it stings.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

Police start to file into the store,

But all end up on the floor.

Gunshots fill the air around me,

I see one police man get shot in the knee.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

Fear takes over as I realize who has won,

They all cheer and act like this is fun.

I look up as I see the last cop fall dead at my feet,

The bodies get stacked all nice and neat.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

Everyone will always remember that horrible night,

Remember me as the girl who couldn't fight.

No one would forget the death,

Cause by someone who started a theft.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl cries.

I'm just a part of history now,

Pushed to the end of my strength my body would allow.

With my last breath and moment of life,

I curse the guy with the bloodied knife.

Somewhere in the sky, the night owl dies.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fun fact: i wrote this poem in 8th grade for a school assignment. We had to pick a topic out of a hat. I picked "Kidnap."
This is inspired by the song Bound and Gagged by Creature Feature

P.S. i got an F on this...