Hush Child

Hush Child
Hush, Little One,
This is your last lullaby.
The very last
But please don’t cry.

Sit still and let me
Comb your hair.
You want to look nice
For where you are going.
I can’t tell you that;
It’s a surprise.

Hush, Little One,
This is your last lullaby.
The very last
But please don’t cry.

Sit still while I
Get your clothes.
You will look so pretty
For the nice people you see.
I can’t tell you who;
It’s a surprise.

Hush, Little One,
This is your last lullaby.
The very last
But please don’t cry.

Sit still while I
Wash your face.
You don’t want to be dirty.
Now let’s get going.
I can’t tell you where;
It’s a surprise.

Hush, Little One,
This is your last lullaby.
The very last
But please don’t cry.

I can’t tell you where,
I can’t tell you who,
I can’t tell you why,
It will be a surprise.
Besides, I can’t know for sure.
♠ ♠ ♠
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