Maybe and HE

I see him sitting there, standing still and in perfect content with his surrounding. I wish i knew what he was thinking or at least let me in. Maybe someday soon...

He sits alone and wonders about the past and the present. He doesn't think about the future, what may happen or not. His past stays in the back of his mind but it also decorates his wrist.. Hiding from everyone else and himself. Maybe it'll end soon...

As he walks down the street, with a lighter in his pocket and a cigeratte in his hand. His mind wonders and gets lost in a daydream. His lungs are now full of smoke and he's finally at peace for a few minutes.

He goes right inside the front door. And looks around; looking for evidence that HE'S been home. Nothing in the living room....

He goes upstairs and looks around and see's HIM in the bedroom. Sleeping off his drunk rage from earlier.He hopes HE doesn't drink again, cause HE'LL jus hit. But he always fights back. Mabe, just maybe things will be alright for a little while.....