
Hi, you dont know me but i know you

Ive watched you

You may heve seen me staring at you

Im there in the shadow to keep you company

I am the thing that haunts you during the day

I am the thing that watches you when you sleep

You dont know me,but when you do.

I will become the thing that creeps into your nightmares

I will watch you as you cry yourself to sleep

And when your alone, i will make you suffer

I will make you beg for death, i will make you find comfort in it

And then ill let you go.

Ill let you cry yourself to sleep again.

I dont want revenge

I dont want satisfaction

I dont want to make a statement

I want you to be afraid

And when you die

I will use your screams as a lullibye

And i will smile as you breath your last miserable breath