Control, mind over matter

deeper I fall.
Your trap is welcoming me,
it beckons me.
Saying it won't hurt me this time,
it will love me forever this time,
it will not break my heart this time,
it will not tear me down this time,
and it will not leave me in a frail state this time.

Every smile,
every hug,
ever conversation,
every heart-melting look,
You know;
I fall
into your trap.

Your sweet lips speak lies I yearn to hear,
ones of comfort and care.
"You're just being friendly,"
my brain says.
"She's just leading you on,
she's a bad person,"
they say.
Don't fall in her trap.
Don't fall,
don't fall,
don't fall.
My heart says,
"you're falling again and you're scared?
you hate it?
you want it to end?
Too Bad for you.
I have no pity for you;
you have more control than this.
You're falling deeper,
deeper into her trap.
It's your fault."
Do something about it.

The claws start to close in on me.
The trap is ready to close.
She has almost won this... game.
A game,
that's all this is to her.
Who wins,
who loses
that makes all the difference.
Who she hurts,
that is no matter to her.
She has almost won her sick game.

And then...

I snap.