Anyone There?

Is anyone there?
I didnt think so.
No one is ever here.
They all say they will be.
When i need them.
But when i call out for help.
Just like me.
I am nothing.
I have all of the proof that i need.
I hate this life.
This world.
And, well, living.
I feel my self sinking.
Down. Down.
It starts to get dark.
Before i go completely.
I call out one more time.
Thinking maybe some one will notice.
That someone will care.
No one is there.
I close my eyes.
as i start to sink deeper.
Deeper into endless sleep.
I have wnted this for a while.
But you never would let me go.
You finally have.
My thoughts start to fade.
You werent there.
Now Im not here.