Love's Hammer

Everyone is born with a void in their heart,
Not one that can be filled with food, items or art.
There is never true happiness so long it is empty,
But be wary, the price to pay can be heavy.
Pain is universal, true happiness rare,
But there is a cure, to avoid eternal despair.
The answer you ask? Well it’s simple really,
Just find love that lasts, and an early death will miss you, just very nearly.
I speak not of simple, one-time love, but one that lasts eternity,
It lasts until one leaves, and continues in divinity.
Be aware, there is a dark side to this bliss,
And it becomes only worse, with an unworthy kiss.
If the hole is sealed correctly,
Then there will be happiness, quite aptly.
You feel euphoric, happy and carefree,
Then when it hits you, you freeze in time, much like a tree.
The pain you feel is too much to bear,
And you begin to think thoughts of despair.
Cupid and Thor come together,
To form the almighty Love’s Hammer.
They swing and they strike, blow after blow,
It is a miracle, amazing yet slow.
The fury of the hammer, will take its toll,
And the void becomes empty, no more than a large, black hole.
Your emotions yearn to be free, expressed and let go,
They wish to be free of the box they have been locked in, long, long ago.
Let them go, don’t let them hide,
Lest you begin to think of suicide.
There is a chace still,
To recover from this emotional ill,
Find a new person, open your eyes,
Look for the bright of day, the promise of another life.