The Other Side Of the Story

Ah, yes.

The first things that may come to mind may be
a crush,
your current partner,
or just a celebrity you greatly adore.

But FALLING in love is a whole different story.
You’d think it’d be as easy as A B C,
but it’s not.

They say that falling in love feels like a rush of adrenaline,
flowing hot through your veins,
like witnessing the blooming of a flower at the beginning of spring.
It’s overwhelming, to say the least.

But then again, there are two sides to every story.

Would you take the risk of letting someone hold your heart,
as fragile as a wine glass balancing on a pole?
Are you sure they’re “the one”?
Or will they be just like “the other ones”?

It’s sounds cliche but it’s the truth.
Are you willing to risk it?

This is basically my pessimistic view of love.
I don’t require you to have it.
But it’s nice to think about it.