Darkness Surronds Me

I feel like I have fallen into a deep abyss
I cant get out
And I'm suffocating
I cant breath anymore
If I even tried
There will only be pain

Tears cascade down my pale cheeks
My eyes burning
Because of all the tears
They take over my body
Making me shake
Making me scream

No one knows
How much the pain is
And they can't ever help
No matter how hard they tried
Only one thing can save me
And that's something no ones has
And I dont even want

I dont care how much pain
That I have to suffer
It's not important to me
The pain can stay
As long as I'm making someone else happy

Pain is overwhelming yes
But I'll take it anyday
And never let go
Pain helps me
Either alive or dead
It will always be there

The dark hole is getting bigger
Taking me in it's wrath
Surrounding me like a blanket
But its not the blanket I want
But its keeps things inside
So I'm fine

Let the pain take me
As long as others are happy
I'm fine
With all these tears
And scars