All that I Have Left

All that I have left is
Pictures of memories
Drawings of all sorts
Flashbacks of the very last time

I feared every night when I went to bed
Tears rushed down my cheek
But nobody saw them
Because I kept a smile on my face

3 other grandchildren(including myself) stayed strong
Behind those eyes, they feared too
Fearing that you would leave us
And staying an extra week would be too much

I got updates
I talked to you
Always ended the conversation with
"I love you"

3 months later, I ended up back in North Dakota
There was a mere 65 of us
32 of those were my cousins
That week, we were so tight and connected

You've been set free
God is your savior
I know that you're in a better place
Instead of here

Al that I have left is
You being my guardian angel
And staying by my side when
Times are tough