The Many Sides of Me

The Many Sides of Me
That girl you see; You think you know her.
But you don’t realise how ignorant you really are.
That girl in these pictures is not me.
I can tell you who she is.
She’s a part of me; a part that you can’t recognise.
The girl in that one is Rose.
She’s a smart girl;
And a goody-fucking two shoes.
Always on time, always polite.
That other girl is Jasmine.
See how she smiles,
All while she contemplates
Death and destruction.
This girl; this is Rosie.
The quiet one
The shy, scared little girl
Who will not speak to anyone.
This other one is Jazzy.
A crazy, fun-loving girl
Who can genuinely smile,
Who actually knows happiness.
This last picture is of Rose again;
But you can’t tell the difference.
You think you know me
But until you know all these girls
You can’t understand who I am.
♠ ♠ ♠
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