Prison Sentence

Prison Sentence
Marks on a stick,
Just to pass time
Marking my days
In this cold dark cell:

She never thinks
I have problems too
She doesn’t really care
It’s all about her.

It can only get worse
Rejected yet again
By the one person
I actually thought cared.

I am completely alone
But I don’t understand
Why you twist the knife
And pull the fresh stitches.

No one notices
I don’t matter to them
They have their own
Shit to deal with.

The day gets darker
Or is my vision is fading?
Never mind, this is better
I finally feel like myself.

Marks on a stick,
Just to pass time
Marks on my arm
To feel like myself
Marking my days
In this cold dark world:
♠ ♠ ♠
If you are reading this from the new stuff list and you like it please visit my profile and read my other poems :) Comment too, I like hearing what people think. Thanks.