Mourning Glory/Fire And Ice/Life/Death

That sweet fragrance. The smell of hope.
It fills me, makes me feel whole once more.
A simple touch. The smooth texture of the petals.
It blazes like a sunrise. Such color and life within it.
The flower opens for a moment to share its secrets.
It almost seems to burn with a peaceful, yet fierce, beauty.
But the Demons threaten her, and she retreats once more.
Mourning Glory. I shall watch over you when you fear them all.

We are truth and lie.
We know all, and yet nothing.
Who are we?
We are everyone, and yet no one.
Yin and Yang.
Black and white.
Dark and Light.
Truth and Deceit.
Life and Death.

Fire and Ice.

I am you. I am your savior.
I will protect you, if you would have me.
You take me for granted. But I am short.
I define you. Make you who you are.
I am Life. How may I help you?

You belong to me. I am your eventuality.
No matter what, I am here.
I am all you have left to be sure of.
You fear me. Bur you do not understand me.
I am Death. Join me soon, child.