society killed the teenager

there's an extra-special place in hell
about six or seven or maybe even
eight layers down for girls like me.

girls who are rude and vindictive
and downright awful. girls who
lie for attention, girls who bully
people, girls who sit in front of
a computer screen, click an anonymous
button and tell people to kill themselves.

then there's the girls who would fuck anything
that moved, the girls who regularly snort
cocaine or inject heroin, the girls who wear
revealing clothing and haven't been virgins
since their thirteenth birthday.

and we're not going to forget the girls
who carve pretty pictures into their skin
and hide their pain so well from the human race.

they must be evil or satanic, because they've
rejected the thought that the world is a lovely
haven where people go around holding hands
and smelling flowers.

and girls who aren't afraid to speak their mind?
they must be terrible inconsiderate people who
have a cellar filled with dead babies and mummified cats.

and we all know that people who have any sort of
disorder, whether it be asperger's, anorexia, schizophrenia
or autism aren't normal and are going to burn for all eternity.

and what about overweight people?
they're going to hell for committing
one of the seven deadly sins; gluttony.

but truthfully, there is nothing wrong
with any of those girls.

only problem is that their souls have just been
stolen by the monster that is called society.