My Higher Power

I was surrounded by alcohol all night long,
To my surprise I was able to stay strong.
I actually waited for the urge to come,
I couldn't believe that there wasn't a single one.
There's something miraculous working in my life right now,
People ask how I stay sober, with help from God that's how.
There's no way I could change and stay sober by myself,
So this time around I asked for a Higher Powers help.
With my Higher Power and the program of AA, I see a new light,
I give sobriety my all, there's no end to it in sight.
I love the changes I've made, and the new chance I was given,
This new found life of sobriety has me unbelievably stricken.
Everyday sober I got that fresh clean feeling like I just took a shower,
I couldn't do it without AA, family, friends, and my Higher Power.