Wobble Gibberish

Words of confusion
Your confused
Walk to the front door
Your almost there
Zig Zag lines
Sudden outbursts
Of laughter

Wobble Gibberish

You made it
But tripped here and there
Invisible rocks block your path
Your loud
Calm down
But your voice isn't loud enough
10 minutes past
or maybe twenty
The door opened

Wobble Gibberish

Now a challenge awaits
5 steps is a mountain
In your mind
Crawl, scramble
You can do it
Rest gain your strength
Throw angry words
At invisuble ghosts
2 more steps
5 minutes later
You made it

Wobble Gibberish

Stomach tumbles
Your mind is dizzy
Your hallway is
Stop moving
Baby steps your shoes are untied
Trip on air
Who put that there
Bathroom lights
liquor and beer
from your stomach to the sink
You made it

Wobble Gibberish

Crawl climb
Collapse in bed
House is silent
And you fall into a stupor
Dream drunken dreams
A child enters the room
Small innocent steps
She covers you up
With a blankie she loves
Kisses you with roses

Goodnight Mommy are her words

Wobble Gibberish you say back

In the language of drunken speech

She said Good Night Mommy's Sober Light
♠ ♠ ♠
this is actually one of my favorite poems