Colors (Silver Electric's song)

I see it all around me
The beautiful colors all faded behind the black and white
They're white faces following me
I guess I have to keep running

That's all they say to me
I have to keep going on.
I get there, my old hightops covered with sand
And I know my life is in their hands.

I fell to my knees, defeated in the eyes.
The white gun poised to kill, I know the colors faded from those eyes.
Then someone stopped and remembered.
A auburn-clad boy, with blue eyes like nothing else and the blue hair I used to remember.

Was he my saviour? my angel? the one with all those colors.
I watched the colors fade away, in this dismay of all the draculoids crowded around me,
and I hear the riproar of an engine

And I look at the sky and cry out 'why'
As the auburn-clad boy finally finishes his life-saving endeavour,
taking me with him to the hiding place of all the other ones,
who have risen up to stop the new enemy.