Ken and Juanita

She stands alone at his grave,
She misses the comfort that he gave.
She’s an elderly woman, who misses her lover,
She knows there can never be another.
She leans on her cane, her knees starting to ache,
No one could doubt that their love was real; never fake.
“I miss you Ken, more than you can know,
It’s okay, though. I know you had to go.”
She mourns for her lover, her husband, her friend,
But she knows it’ll be okay, she’ll see him again.
Unknown to her, he’s by her side,
Holding her hand as she begins to cry.
“Don’t worry, Juanita, don’t be scared and show no fear,
No matter what they say or what may happen, I’m always here.”
He puts a transparent hand to her chest, right above her heart,
She feels something there, warm and comforting, it’s a start.
She puts a hand to her chest, unknowingly touching his hand,
“I believe you’re with me, Ken, but I don’t understand.
If you are gone, your spirit can’t stay,
But why do I feel you with me, day after day?”
Juanita felt the tears falling free,
She didn’t know that he was beside her, that he could see.
“Juanita, I’m always with you, here in your heart,
No matter what happens, Love, we’ll never be apart.
I loved you the day that we got wed,
And I’m still in love with you now, even though I’m dead.
Don’t worry, Juanita, there’s no need to cry,
It’s okay, everyone eventually has to die.”
For one moment – a gift from God – she could see him standing there,
Glowing skin, a smiling face and little to no hair.
She smiled for the first time in a while,
She missed his laid back, Southern style.
She could tell he was happy, the cancer no longer there,
She felt the tears fall quicker, but all she could do was stare.
“Juanita, it’s okay to cry. Don’t try and to fight,
I have to go, now. I can see the Light.”
He raised a hand, missing three fingers,
She couldn’t help but hope that he lingers.
“Good-bye, Juanita. I’ll love your for eternity,
Now, go and be happy. But never forget me.”
She gave a watery smile, bringing her hand to his,
“Good-bye, Ken. I’ll never forget… But I’ll always miss.”
And, with a heart-breaking shatter, the lovers parted,
Their love had not ended; no, it had only started.