
The night was silent
The moon was out
And it was so very dark
I walked long
Not knowing where
Just wanting to just walk
Around me there's just trees
Beneath my feet just road
So many things have happened here
But know it's just silent
There's not another soul around
And I'm by myself

It's just me on this road
Not knowing where to go
The snow which falls softly
The only movement around
My feet crushes on the floor
Making the only noise
And the silence is unbearable
It feels so eerie and unusual
And then I look ahead of me
To the black mass against the sky
The ancient hill watching over the land
There since the dawn of time

And I wonder why can't life be like that?
Why does it have to change?
I start walking again through the night
Of this border land
I think of all that's changed
Of what's to come and times gone past
Traditions, culture, some stays the same
But some things come and go.
I stop again and look around
The soft trees by the road
The silence stays around me
As I walk on through my land.