Taken Over

Screaming in pain,
Writhing in anger,
Tears falling to the floor,
Laying on the bed,
Pitch black,
I'm being taken over.
All alone,
No one to help,
Screaming your name,
But yet, your gone,
I'm being taken over.
An evil spirit,
Hurts like hell,
Burning from the inside out,
You tricked me.
I thrash about,
All over,
I'm being taken over.
Thoughts of revenge fill my head,
The hunger for blood grows stronger,
It's taking me,
All the way,
I scream,
My lungs burn,
No more tears,
A flash of light,
I sit up on my bed,
A devilish smile on my face,
I've been taken over.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just how I felt after being hurt by someone I loved.