
I’m the stereotypical ‘emo’ girl.
I don’t give a fuck about life,
I’ve been pushed around by society for years,
I’m so different to what people expect,
That people hate me just because I’m different,
Society pushes around the ‘different people’,
They push around the black people,
The aisan people,
The people who where too much make-up,
The people who have too many scars or tattoos,
The little girls and boys who have been scared,
Society likes the normal people,
The people that are good,
The people who follow the simple rules of life.
You know what?
I’m sick and tired of those rules.
Those easy to follow,
Simple rules;
Paying taxes.
Not drinking and driving.
Stopping at a stop sign.
Don't kill anybody.
Don't drink bleach.
Don't walk across the street until the blinking light says so.
Pay the city money for a sidewalk they decided to replace.
Pay money to school when you change your mind about a class.
Take yoga classes at school because it's required.
Don't cuss in front of children.
Don't change careers or jobs too often.
Don't write a book, that's stupid.
Eat slowly.
Don't open a massage practice until you graduate.
Go to the dentist twice a year.
Get your eyes checked once a year.
Go to the gyno once a year.
Get all the tests and labs done that your doctor tells you even though you don't understand why.
Get your dog licensed in your city.
Declaw your cat.
Don't eat eggs after the expiration date.
Pour milk down the drain on the day it expires.
Don't move in with someone too soon.
Get married before you live together.
Getting married is the best day of your life.
Kids change EVERYTHING.
You have to buy gifts for people you don't know because, well, it's "expected" of you.
Drive the speed limit in residential areas.
Don't let it be known that you spoil yourself sometimes ... or god forbid, that you love yourself!
Don't write fragment sentences.
Don't question authority, even if it's 86 years old.
There’s a lot of them.
But society expects us too!
It wants up to be perfect little people!
I’m tired of following rules,
Tired of being those people everyone wants me to be.
I’m different,
I’m unique,
But one thing is for sure,
I will not be in the society’s bad people category.
I dye my hair,
I wear band t-shirts,
I wear dark clothes,
I wear my eyeliner heavier,
I wear converse,
I wear tight jeans,
I get the police called on me,
I don’t listen to my parents,
I cut my wrists,
I’ll fail,
That’s how people see me.
They see me as emo, goth, punk,
But I’m none of those things,
I am me.
I am unique,
But society is an ugly thing,
And I will be one of those few who step out of my bounds,
Go against those simple rules,
Be who I want to be,
And be happy with it.
Society will throw a fit,
Be unhappy about it,
But I don’t care.
I will be who I want to be,
Even if no one loves me because of it.