Don't ask why

Phone in my pocket
Gun in my hand
I'm sitting here thinking
Of a suicide plan.

I told two friends
That id found a gun
Hoping they'd convince me
To leave the gun and run.

Neither did reply
Why I do not know
Maybe they dont care
Or just want me to go.

(took out for private purposes)

My friends think I'm stupid
An ugly annoying fuck
No I don't sit in dark corners,
Cutting: "my life sucks".

When I look back at my life
Few good moments do I find
Theyre scattered far and wide
Across the sands of my time.

Sands drenched in blood
And oasises of tears
Sleep floats untouched
Along with clouds of fear.

This is my last goodbye
I've explained it loud and clear
So in the morning don't ask why
Madeline.. has disappeared.