Coming Alive.

You see that girl with the face? The girl named Kayla Celeste Harlow? Yeah, her. It's killing her to admit, that life is a fact of the truth, and with the truth, we know everything beyond the lines.

Let's color out of the lines, drink untill we can't anymore, & live with the fact were human beings and cutting ourselves open and commit suicide is not okay whatsoever.

Let's live it nice and real. Humans love getting compliments, and recieving only good news. But when we recieve the bad things, we flip out. We cry, we cut, we eat alot, but it doesnt solve anything. Why? Because, we need to learn to toughen up and face whats infront of our faces.

Even though, we tell everyone to leave us alone, and let us cry, someone feels bad for us. But we can't rely on them. We need too pick ourselves up and realize we have a whole life ahead of us. And everything happens for a reason. For one bad thing to happen, a really good thing comes to lift us up. It may not happen right away, but it does. I promise.

Everyone has ups and downs, i promise you. But there is a solution to every problem, and to whoever reading this. If you cry, cut, think about commiting, Please dont. Even though i don't know you, that doesn't mean i can't be concerned about you.

I learned to live and love, and everything has a purpose and look ahead of you, you have a whole life ahead of you. Everyone has a problem, but how do you solve it?

Let's drink up the knowledge, and toast to the future life. It's all coming at us, faster than it seems.
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