Smoke and Mirrors

Ever since we were born
It has been a cruel burden to be accepted.

Many don’t take us seriously
Many more think of us as objects
Some take advantage of our love
Others feign affection instead.

Where did this mentality start?
It’s such a shame.

The solution?
Make ourselves different.
Don't already fit society's mold?
That's okay,
Make yourself fit.

Make sure you don't have a brain.
Make sure you aren't strong.
Make sure you don't look like yourself.
Make sure you aren't yourself.

These efforts are all in vain
As we all are still treated the same
No matter what is done.
No matter what is said.

Why conform?
It’s not worth the time or effort
Countless hours spent trying to make ourselves perfect.

Forget it.

Punch these mirrors
Watch the shards fly
Mixed with our crimson pain
A deadly snowfall

Burn the chemical lies
Breathe the toxic fumes
The smoke encircles us
Shattering the shackles.

Forget this life of plastic.
Forget this life of smoke and mirrors.
Because you're perfect the way you are.
And that's all that matters.