All We Are Given

Small children running a mock,
other children trying to stop.
We do not fake this havoc here,
but the children, really, they're simply dear.

Shouting and screaming,
the daily routine.
The bell shrieking loudly-
Moving on.

Now all is quiet,
the playground is clear.
With all heads bowed,
we shall start the prayer:
Holy, holy, holy Lord,
we thank you for all we are given...

The prayer continues,
no child dare speak.
In the name of the father, the sun and of the holy spirit
Chairs scrape and the silence is broke,
daily life continues.
Thanks be to the Lord Jesus Christ,
♠ ♠ ♠
I guess this is about my childhood, college is the first place I've been to which isn't religious, even my nursery(kindergarden/pre-school?) was religious. I've grown up in a fairly religious household and although I may not follow/agree with everything the Church and the Bible says I should, I will always believe in the one God and he will always be in my life. Thankyou for reading, as always, and I appreciate any comments/con crit! xo.