Starlight Dreamer

I feel as if tonight is melting into me,
Casting a velvet curtain of stars over the world.
I’ve unclenched my fists,
Cupping shattered moonbeams in my palms.
Stars grace the curve of my lips the way your fingers trace my smile.
Hold me; let me fall into you like leaves drifting to blanket the ground.
It won’t matter if the world ends tonight, for I have opened my eyes and
I have seen the sky blue.
I have released my Yesterday,
Let go of fragility and scars
And held to something stronger.
I can smell the crushed violets on the wind where you left them,
Scattered them there like the things I stopped saying.
And sometimes I’m afraid you’ve forgotten my name
And the color of my eyes through the twilight.
I walk barefoot through frost-bitten gardens at dusk,
Praying like the blue silk of a butterfly’s wing
That if I die tonight, I will die dreaming.
I want to dream of crushing purple berries on my tongue,
Of finding pixies in the hollows of trees,
Of being safe in your arms for a second longer.
Technicolor spider webs cross my mind like footprints in the moon-tinted snow.
All that I have lost, all that you have helped me find.