What Happened To You?

What happened to you?

What happened to the boy that stayed up all night meowing and barking with me?

What happened to the boy that had contests with me on who could make the most animal noises?

What happened to the boy that believed in everything I believe in?

What happened to the boy that said he would drive as far as he needed to, just to see me?

What happened to the boy that said he couldn't careless about sex, but turned around and went with someone that puts out on the first date?

What happened to the boy that said he knew he would be more open with me than anyone else?

What happened to the boy that skyped with me for four hours?

What happened to the boy that made me laugh for five minutes straight?

What happened to the boy that said the first thing he thought when he saw me was "wow"?

What happened to the boy that thought my lisp was cute?

What happened to the boy that liked the way I dressed, becuase it wasn't slutty, then went with a girl that looks very trashy?

What happened to the boy that sent me pictures of meow mix and knew exactly how happy I was?

What happened to the boy that I thought I could be with for a long time?

What happened to the boy that said I was the only one he wanted?

What happened to the boy I waited up all night for just so I could talk to for a few minutes before bed?

What happened to the boy that said he didn't want a girlfriend but I changed his mind?

What happened to the boy that sent me flowers before we even met?

What happened to the boy that wanted to impress my mom?

What happened to the boy that listened to everything I had to say?

What happened to the boy that was interested in my animals?

What happened to the boy that said we would work though my shyness?

What happened to the boy that said it was okay that I was awkward?

What happened to the boy that respected me?

What happened to the boy that texted me all the time, everyday, all day, even when he was at work?

What happened to the boy that said he loved me?

What happened to the boy that wanted to take me away?

What happened to the boy that was sweet?

What happened to the boy that said we were both lame and that made a perfect couple?

What happened to the boy that said the thought of losing me made him sick?

What happened to you?

What happened to 'us'?

Was it a lie?

A joke?

What did I do to make you hate me so fast?

Why was I so easy to get over?

Why is she so much better than me?

Why wasn't I worth the effort?

Why wasn't I worth the time?

Why wasn't I even worth a simple explanation?

Why wasn't our “connection strong enough”?

Why wasn't I worth the work to make it stronger?

Why couldn't you be stronger?

Why couldn't I be what you wanted?

Why couldn't I put myself out there more?

Why couldn't this work?