I Miss You

1...2...3... words
expressing my feelings.
I wish you were near me
I want to hear your
speak... so much I want to say.
speak my name
of how I want to hear
your voice in my ear
whispering romantic lyrics
making my face run red
as if I have a fever
I want you to say
is okay
that you might,
possibly, for an
unknown reason
LOVE me.

So much I want to say,
so much I want
to say
so much left unsaid
so much I would
tell you.
Because I am
scared, afraid,
what happens next?

What happens
when all
that needs to be said
is said?

Does it all end?
Does it start with a confession
and end with a rejection?

So how can I say all I want to say
knowing what could happen
how can I tell you,

I miss you.