Time to die

There’s no way out
I’ve tried to find a way out, thought there was a way everything could get better.
Now thinking back there’s times I wish I’d never taken the inhaler when my life depended on it.

Why did I rethink all those suicides?
Why didn’t I let the blade go deeper?
The blade…I want to feel the blade on my skin so bad, I don’t think I can control it anymore……
there’s no other way out. I want the blade, I want to feel the blade tear my skin apart

Please let this pain go away.

I thought I was strong..but I was wrong
I thought I could handle this…but I can’t
Maybe I was wrong…No not maybe, I am wrong

Death is my only option
Death will set me free
I want out of this, I want out
I want the pain to go away
For fuck sake let them all shut up
Please god, or whatever is out there, please make it all stop
No one is gonna stop it

I have to stop it myself

There’s only one way I know to make it stop
It’ll make me and them happy
this is my only way out of all this
it’s time for me to go away now
I always fuck up everything
I always do something to anger someone
Well they’re right enough is enough

It’s time to disappear

it’s time for me to die