Demons on the inside.

The demons they call from the shadows
laughing screeching and scratching on the walls.
as insanity creeps it's way ever closer
to my minds caged built walls.

The light in my soul seems to be but an illusion
as my eyes are deceived into seeing what is truly not me
but my mind has fallen into the death trap
and so it remains bleeding inside of me.

My heart the most bravest and courageous of all things that are me
wishing to love and care for all that it can
soon will be ripped to shreds
by the demonic hands.

Whispers appear in my foolish minds eye
letting me know how I'm way below the floor.
the dirt and the worms are higher beings
as I am less than nothing.

The angels call from high in the sky,
but there light is slowly fading away
there whispers of hope all but becoming
lowly murmurs on a distant wind.

The howls the laughter the sound of skin being ripped to shreds
it fills my ears and all that I know
as I flail helplessly
to keep everything under control.

The demons spot me now,
I am so far away from the light
nothing can save me now
as fear creeps into my troubled heart.

They smell it,
like rabid wild dogs
there all around me
and suddenly I am no more.