
I want so bad to write you this beautiful poem
This poem that will make you want to pull me into those arms of yours
And smother me in this almost unrealistic bliss
That sends my mind off to a place that my body would submit to
A place I've been so many times before, but not quite like this
I want to be able to put these butterflies on paper
To design their wings in an intricate set of patterns
Patterns that are able to tell a story with a quick glance
And convey the meaning behind my eyes
If people understood me, I think I'd be better off
I have so many issues, but you still manage to dull the pain
I crave to be innocent again
To pass by demons without their claws tearing at my tender skin
I crave to be able to fulfill my souls inner needs
And the desire to be so close to something without restraint
I crave to be able to walk down a road and know that their will be no ending
Just an ever being flow of time
I want to know that I will be able to take your hand
And pull you away from those sparks that threaten to turn our passion to ash
As if we are no better than the destruction those hungry flames leave behind
But most of all I crave the sense of understanding
And the perfection of your gaze finally locking mine and completing the pieces of this empty puzzle
To heal all my broken heart strings and patch up my dark bruises
And I just want this to be beautiful for you
But the reality is that a love poem to you is no more than the story of my own self pity
And my own self loathing at the fact I cannot write something pure
I cannot write something that will make you smile as bright as the sun
Because my love, is an ugly, ugly thing
And you dear, are so beautiful that every part of me begs to be with you
To touch you and to fall into each other on my bed
To tangle in this forbidden and exhilarating way
To feed this already mutual desire for one another and to explode into fireworks on the fourth of July
And I want this, to be truthful and honest
And I want this to be sappy and sweet
But it isn't quite that simple anymore
And so I write words that even together don't make much sense
Words that really don't mean much compared to the image in my mind
That can't possibly make anyone comprehend how it is in our reality
That cannot stretch across a canvas and paint a clear picture for one to see
But nevertheless your arms are still wide and beckoning
And each time I allow myself to indulge in this obsession with your warmth
I feel so whole inside and it is the best thing in the world
And it's the only place I ever want to find myself.