Loving you. Discovering Me.

If you told me I changed, I'd have to agree. But you don't know me. Cause I didn't even know myself.

3 years ago. I fell in love. It was shocking to me. So I just let it go. But every time I'd see your face My heart just fluttered. But I told myself it couldn't be.

As time passed, We grew closer. And my heart felt better, Than it ever was. But you weren't available. Like it would have mattered though, because it wasn't right for me.

There was even a time, when I put your happiness first, and got you together with the taco bell guy. It hurt me so much, that night I cried myself to sleep.

And though I fell in love with you then, I told myself it didn't matter, because if I didn't even feel happy for myself, how could I of made you happy.

You made me realize who I was. And though I pushed it off, something just triggered inside me. Telling me, that I need to accept facts I cannot change. Loving you made me discover me.
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Yes. I know its a bit crappy. Well its just crappy. But it's my true thoughts and feelings. I hope you don't leave any negative comments because its really discouraging and just rude. And just so you know. You guys and gals are the first people I am coming out to. Yes. A bunch of strangers.